
Hiccup bye Bye – Get rid of it for Free

I guess you got here per chance.
Usually you get a hiccup while you are busy doing something.
Once it passes the interest in solving hiccups irremediably fades.

Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to find a cure for hiccup online?

You cannot put a price tag on it, so there is no interest to promote this.

My bad. I was wrong.
Apparently there is a guy trying to sell you a magic straw that fixes it.
Anyways, if you don’t feel like buying a straw for $15, in this post you will find a FREE solution that works every time.

20 years ago, a certain Dr. Morris found a cure for hiccup.
He cleverly hid it away from us scrolling junkies into his scientific paper:
“Termination of Idiopathic Persistent Singultus (Hiccup) with Supra-Supramaximal Inspiration”
Honor to the Merit. I just wanted to credit him.
However, you can imagine that it is hardly-accessible.

Anyways, here you have the actionable advice.
When you start to hiccup, follow these instructions to stop:

  1. Inhale as much air as you can and hold your breath.
  2. Count to 10 seconds.
  3. Inhale again and hold your breath again.
  4. Count to another 5 seconds.
  5. Inhale again and hold your breath again.
  6. Count to another 5 seconds.
  7. Exhale slowly.

If the hiccup persists, try again by inhaling as much as you can and holding your breath for the necessary seconds.
Remember, you only exhale at the end, every time you inhale again you should feel like adding a small breath on top of your maximum capacity.

The method is very simple and easy to remember, as well as 100% effective.
Now hiccups will never be a problem for you again.
Of course only if you remember this simple technique.

Share it with somebody that annoys you to death with their irritating hiccups.

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